Neat. Not the best, but pretty decent. ~S~
Neat. Not the best, but pretty decent. ~S~
I made it in 5 minutes :/
watch him rollin ~S~
o shit waddup
o shit waddup ~S~
So you got inspired by a song used in a level by SrGuillester..? Noice :3 ~S~
Yep! :3
Thank you so much! <3 ~S~
All of your work gives me nostalgic feelings <3 ~S~
Glad you like them! Thanks for taking the time to listen :D
Legendary Pokemon??? This sounds, and feels, amazing. This gives me nostalgic feelings when Gen 4 of Pokemon just came out & I listened to the amazing soundtrack as a kid...I love this so much :3 ~S~
Honestly sounds like Cynthia's theme from Pokemon Platinum :p It's a fantastic song, though. You put a lot of effort, and it shows. GJ, man! ~S~
Lol ~S~
an ∀malgamation of this world
the core of all dreams
Joined on 1/11/17